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The Rollin' RN's

Mitrofanoff Procedure: "Game Changer”

Two topics of discussion frequently on spinal cord injury websites are autonomic dysreflexia and urinary tract infections specifically among women. I am presenting a current procedure being offered to individuals now. The Mitrofanoff procedure was developed in 1980 by Dr. Paul Mitrofanoff. For woman intermittent cathing, while sitting in a chair or transferring to cath every four hours, is difficult and time-consuming but what’s a girl to do? Enter the “Mitrofanoff” procedure. The reason I bring this information to light is because women in my SCI circle have had a lot of discussion on the benefits. The term I have been hearing frequently is “game changer.” I am not speaking from experience but rather putting the information out there for further investigation on your own.

But what exactly is the Mitrofanoff procedure? The definition from the Urostomy Association is an urinary reservoir that is fashioned from bowel or the person’s own bladder and may be used as the reservoir. A channel is created from the appendix, ureter, or ileum. The diversion is continent because of the valve arrangement, which prevents urinary leakage. The channel connects the reservoir to the abdominal surface. A small catheterizable stoma is placed in a cosmetically suitable site. It is important that the person is able to see the stoma in order to insert the catheter easily. Instead of the woman having to transfer to a suitable surface, remove her lower clothes, cath, and then repeat the procedure backward, she has a small stoma is created and a catheter can be easily passed into a created reservoir (or the natural bladder) to drain the urine while sitting in her chair.

Sounds simple, huh? Well it is still a surgical procedure. This procedure requires surgery, being put to sleep by an anesthesiologist, and pain during recovery. An indwelling foley catheter will be utilized until healing is completed which is a few weeks. But once healing is completed and your new stoma is ready for use, you will be trained on the new equipment. This procedure is not for everyone, but this procedure has been especially successful in women (who have difficulty with self-catheterizations through the urethra) and in people with recurrent and severe autonomic dysreflexia related to their bladder. But is it designed only for women? No, hence the definition, people with recurrent AD related to their bladder.

Ask your personal urologist if this is a feasible option.

It's all good, so keep on rollin,’

Roberta, RN and Patty, BSN, RNC

The Rollin’ RNs ™


Mitrofanoff….Everything you need to know. Obtained February 15, 2017 from

Mitrofanoff Procedure. Obtained February 15, 2017 from

The Mitrofanoff Procedure. Obtained February 15, 2017 from


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